原文 Go placidly amid the noise and haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible wi …
原文 Go placidly amid the noise and haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible wi …
原文 祇園精舎の鐘の聲諸行無常の響き有り沙羅双樹の花の色盛者必衰の理を顯す奢れる人も久しからず只春の夜の夢の如し …
原文 Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.They come …
原文 You burn me 出处 《If Not, Winter》,萨福(古希腊语:Σαπφώ,伊欧里斯方言:Ψάπφω,英文:Sappho,约前630年代 …
原文 Белеет парус одинокийВ тумане моря голубом!…Что ищет он в стране далекой?Что кинул он в краю родном?… …
原文 Do I contradict myself?Very well then I contradict myself,I am large, I contain multitudes. 翻译 我有自相 …
原文 The Sea of FaithWas once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shoreLay like the folds of a bright girdle f …
原文 People are often unreasonable,illogical and self-centered;Forgive them anyway. If you are kind,People may …
原文 Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.I am in a thousand winds that blow, acro …
原文 History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived; but if faced with courage, need not be lived again …
原文 O Light Supreme, that dost so far uplift theeFrom the conceits of mortals, to my mindOf what thou didst ap …
原文 Had I not seen the sunI could have borne the shadeBut Light a newer WildernessMy Wilderness has made — 翻 …
原文 I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. 翻译 我不能选择那最好的, 是那最好的选择了我。 出处 《飞鸟 …
原文 Heardst thou not sweet words amongThat heaven-resounding minstrelsy?Heardst thou not that those who dieAwa …
原文 When I’m strong enough inside,You blame me,I feel your pain;You flatter me,I see you need approval;You’re …
原文 The thoughts of othersWere light and fleeting,Of lovers meetingOr luck or fame.Mine were of trouble,And mi …
原文 Bare ruined choirs,where late the sweet birds sang That time of year thou mayst in me behold, When yellow …
原文 Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds. 翻译 你还不知道么?是你发出的光,点亮了这个世 …
原文 What language is thine, O esa? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, O sky? The l …
原文 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 翻译 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也 …
原文 Come, my friends, ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world.Push off, and sitting well in order smiteThe sou …
原文 What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us. 翻译 将 …